Monday, August 4, 2008

Midterm BLOG POST # 1

Research 1 company that makes use of E-commerce. Describe the nature of this company in 1-2 paragraphs.

Identify then, how does this company use e-commerce to achieve strategic advantage. Describe the benefits derived from this strategy.

It was back in 1990 when Metrobank rode the waves of electronic banking innovation by introducing the country’s first talking ATM machine. Electronic Touch banking or Metrobank E.T. was a name that easily caught the attention of ATM users and Metrobank depositors alike. Henceforth, there was no stopping Metrobank in developing new electronic banking (e-Banking) services to give clients more choices for their diverse banking needs.

"they want to provide clients with innovative and more convenient ways to avail of banking services, said Metrobank president Arthur Ty.

Providing support to the Bank's e-banking services is a strong and sophisticated information technology infrastructure that allows the use of latest technology without compromising security. "there IT investments through the years have enabled us to provide accurate over-the-counter servicing, ATM online availability, and access to our Internet banking facility,”

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